Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Signs Of The Crimes" - ASTROLOGY - A New Look At Possible Astrological Influence In Our Lives - A Study

By J J Kusnell - On Amazon. com

Sample Chapter: Pisces

"Signs Of The Crimes" -

Does an individual’s astrological “sign” influence the type crime he might commit? Do those born to one astrological sign commit more crimes that those born to another? Do the stars and planets in place at the moment of our birth influence the type crime we might commit?

In 1998, a study was begun of the criminal records of the one million men and women incarcerated in America’s prisons to find the answers to these and other questions concerning the influence of Astrology on human behavior.
“Signs of the Crimes” is the result of that study.


While it is true that "Signs of the Crimes” is a book about Astrology, it is equally true that it is different from most other books about Astrology. What makes it different is that it is not so much a book of opinions about astrology, as it is a book of evidence about Astrology.

The facts published in this book are evidence. You can weigh the evidence as you see fit but the evidence is the result of a computer analysis of the records of the 980,000 men and women incarcerated in America's federal and state prisons at the end of 1998. The purpose of the research was to look for any correlation that might be found to exist between the anti-social behavior ("crimes") of the subjects and their dates of birth ("astrological sun signs").

Each prisoner was compared with those of his own sign, as well as those of other Signs, and finally with those of all other Signs. The results are the subject of this book

The prisoners studied were not a selected group. They were not from one or the other section of the country. They were not in jail for the same type crimes. They were, in fact, prisoners from all groups and all sections of the country, in jail for a wide diversity of crimes.

. Many of these prisoners have been in jail for years, some for decades. Some will get out in time, others will never get out. They are as independent and diverse a group as you could hope to find. So diverse are they, that it would be almost impossible to isolate them into separate groups were it not for one thing; their Astrological sign. Each of them – like each of us – was born to one of the Signs of the Zodiac. They were therefore separated and classified on that basis. When that was done, we were able to study the records of behavior of each individual and compare his or her record with other individuals born to the same sun sign. We followed that by comparing the behavior of those born to one sign with those to another sign, and finally to all other signs. From these studies, certain conclusions could be drawn.

This is why we say "Signs of the Crimes” is a book of evidence more than of opinion. You can place your own value on the evidence, of course, or on our evaluation of that evidence, but it is nevertheless the first evidence ever presented on the five-thousand year old subject of astrology. A study of this magnitude has never before been attempted, primarily because no such study group had ever before been identified. .

In the body of this book, you will see the term rank. A sign's rank indicates where the sign fits into the hierarchy of that crime. If the members of a sign are found to have produced the most incarcerations for a given offense, they will be ranked as number one (#01), the country’s worst. If they are found to have produced the fewest number of incarcerations for that crime, they will be ranked as number twelve (#12), the country’s best. (Remember that as you read, #01 is the always the worst performance (the most incarcerations), while #12 is always the best performance (the sign with the least number of incarcerations).

It is important to note that this is not a novel and therefore will not normally be read as such, Readers are most likely to read those chapters (signs) in which they have a particular interest, be it a spouse, a child, a friend or themselves. To understand what he is reading, that reader needs certain information. Much of that information is contained in this introduction.

All readers will therefore be encouraged to read this introduction no matter how many or how few chapters interest them. But for those who do not, certain information will be repeated chapter by chapter, even at the cost of redundancy. We beg your indulgence for that.

Finally, we ask that you keep in mind, the demographics of the subject group, which have been outlined for you. These are people with no common bond other than their astrological sign and the fact that they are in jail.

Since everyone in the study group IS in jail, that fact becomes irrelevant to the study leaving us with only their astrological sign, as a means to identify them.

There are twelve Signs of the Zodiac beginning with ARIES, the Ram and ending with PISCES the Fish.

Symbol: THE FISH
Keywords: "I BELIEVE"

PERSONALITY: Sensitive, sympathetic, impressionable, and self-sacrificing.
PISCES is changeable and dependent. A compassionate, feeling individual who is unassuming and spiritual in nature.
PISCES usually can be found seeking solutions to life's problems. He is contemplative and creative, often religious.
PISCES is one of the three water Signs. His companions are CANCER and SCORPIO.
So that's the Fish. What do you think about him? Does this seem to agree with what you've always heard about PISCES? The ideas which you've probably had for years? And how close to the truth is it? How do these characteristics translate to his social behavior?
Before proceeding with my analysis of this sign, here were my preconceived notions about PISCES based on what Id heard about him over the years. See how close it comes to reality. (Sad to say, up to this point, I haven’t done very well) . Reminds me of an old saying “many a slip between the cup and the lip”. But undaunted, I will try one last time.I expected PISCES to be a pretty good citizen. Law abiding, hard working, certainly not the type to get into much trouble. I have always thought of him as non-aggressive, non-confrontational, not prone to violence. Actually, I am a PISCES, born on the Cusp of ARIES. In reality, I have always considered myself a blend of the two, I am therefore interested in this sign particularly from the point of self-interest.
From my intimate understanding of his character and personality, I did not consider that this sign would turn out much to be the criminal type. How does that square with your own beliefs? Do you agree or disagree? Is that an accurate description of the Fish? Or have I been mislead?
Let’s turn to the record and find out.
(When I am done with the male, I will examine the PISCES female and ask the same questions about her. How does she measure up to her male counterpart? Does she commit the same crimes, in the same numbers? What kind of citizen is the female Fish?)
As previously noted, some Signs seem to produce an inordinate number of felons while others do not. I have no idea why this is true but it is. The records prove it.
Looking at the records on our database (the 980,000 prisoners in the United States federal and state prisons at the end of 1995), we are surprised to find that PISCES is indeed one of those Signs that produces a substantial number of law breakers.
The record shows that PISCES is the fifth (#05) most incarcerated sign in all of America. Only four Signs have produced more criminals than PISCES. Those four are CANCER, LEO, VIRGO, and LIBRA. The Fish is right there at number five.
Seven signs, including some I have long considered as being far more aggressive than PISCES (ARIES and SCORPIO to name two), have in fact produced fewer incarcerations than he has. Surprised? I was. How could PISCES produce so many criminals with the personality and character he is supposed to possess? I guess we have been giving him characteristics he just doesn’t have.
When I began this chapter, I said I expected PISCES would be at or near the bottom of the list of incarcerations, perhaps with a fire sign like the aggressive ARIES, up at the top. Well as we have learned in this study, that is completely erroneous.
It is ARIES who comes in at the bottom of the list (dead last in total incarcerations) and PISCES who comes in much nearer the top at number five (#05). Only four Signs are worse than PISCES. (That would be CANCER, LEO, VIRGO and LIBRA.)
You may also note here that all four groupings (Air, Fire, Water and Earth) are represented in the top four criminal Signs.
The number of persons currently incarcerated in our federal and state prisons, who were born as PISCES, is 80,870. That number represents 8.2% of the national total which while it is slightly below the average for all twelve Signs, is high enough to give this sign the national ranking of number five (#05) for total incarcerations.
What is interesting in these numbers is the consistency of the behavior within a sign. People born to the same sign do seem to conduct themselves in like manner. They commit the same type of crimes, and in the same numbers, no matter where they are or what they do. Why is that? Why would these people act the same simply because they are all PISCES? Or CANCER? Or any other sign? What is the influence that could produce such a result? They are of different ages, sexes, nationalities, creeds and colors. And they are in jail for different offenses. What unifies them and makes their behavior so much alike?
The truth is there is only one thing they share in common and that is their astrological sign. That's all there is. So I conclude that sign must be the reason for their similar behavior.
In this study, I have come to learn that PISCES is not the harmless, sensitive, esoteric member of the community I have long believed him to be. Rather, he appears to be quite the opposite.
So, it is time to study his behavior and see what crimes the Fish is prone to commit.

CRIMES OF VIOLENCE: I have grouped six major crimes into a category that I call my "Crimes of Violence". These are the direct, one-on-one type crimes that you might expect from some of the more aggressive Signs of the Zodiac but not from less confrontational members such as PISCES. These six crimes account for over sixty percent of all the people locked up in our federal and state prison system today. They are:

a. Murder/Manslaughter
b Robbery.
c Sexual Offenses
d. Burglary (B&E)
e Assaults.
f. Kidnapping or forcible restraint.

MURDER (#02): Murder is America's second (#02) most common crime, ranking right behind drugs which is number one (#01). So where does PISCES fit in as a murderer?
Of the 145,267 murderers who are currently incarcerated in our state and federal prisons, 11,971 of them were born to the sign of the Fish. This makes him the seventh (#07) most incarcerated of all the signs for murder.

ROBBERY (#03): When I thought about PISCES before doing this study, I never thought of him as a potential robber. (Actually, I never thought of PISCES as a potential anything that had a crime attached to it, so robbery was no exception.) Crime didn't seem to fit his character. But, as with other Signs, I turned out to be wrong.
Of the 140,961 prisoners currently serving time in America's federal and state prisons for robbery, 11,796 are PISCES.
. That earns for The Fish the rank of fifth (#05) in the country for this offense.

SEX CRIMES (#04): What can say about this crime? It exists in fairly even numbers across the Zodiac. Beginning with ARIES and ending with PISCES, sex crimes are a major criminal activity for the men of every sign in the Zodiac.
Of the prisoners currently incarcerated in the federal and state systems, approximately 106,929 are there for sex crimes. Sexual misconduct is America's fourth (#4) most common type of criminal activity.
Sex crimes are a problem for PISCES as they are for everyone else.
With approximately 106,929 prisoners now serving time for sex crimes nationally, PISCES accounts for slightly over eight thousand (8,915) and that ranks him at number five (#05) in the country for this crime.

BURGLARY (#05): Close to robbery, burglary is America's fifth (#5) most popular criminal activity. It ranks behind Drugs (#01), Murder (#02), Robbery (#03), and Sex Crimes (#04) but ahead of Assaults (#06). .
Burglary accounts for slightly less than ten percent (9.7%) of national incarcerations. That translates to 94,899 prisoners now serving time for this offense. Of this total, 7,844 are PISCES earning for The Fish, the rank of fifth (#05) for this offense.
Only four Signs produce more burglars than does The Fish.

KIDNAPPING (#11): Kidnapping is the unlawful restraint or imprisoning of another person against their will. You can kidnap someone by holding them captive, depriving them of their freedom, or by forcibly restraining them in some manner or other.
Kidnapping is a violent crime. As such, it is included in my "Crimes of Violence" section.
Despite this, kidnapping is not a common offense at all. As a matter of fact, kidnappings account for just 1.5% of the total incarcerations in America and that means it brings up the rear. In fact, kidnapping is America's eleventh (#11) most common criminal offense.
At the end of 1995, there were an estimated 14,503 kidnappers in our federal and state prisons. Of this number, 1,149 were born to the sign of PISCES representing 7.9% of the total. This earns for
PISCES the national rank of tenth (#10) for this crime.

ASSAULT (#06): There are 980,000 persons incarcerated in our federal and state prisons today of which 83,930 are there for assaulting another person. That number represents eight and a half percent (8.5%) of all convictions making assault America's sixth (#06) most common criminal activity.
So how many of these offenders are PISCES?
At the end of 1995, there were 80,870 inmates of America's federal and state prisons who were born to the sign of PISCES. Looking at the nation as a whole, the PISCES total of 6,638 assault offenders represents 7.9% of the national total, placing PISCES at number ten (#10) in the Zodiac for assault.
I have now examined the six major crimes in my "Crimes of Violence" category representing over 60% of total American incarcerations. How did PISCES fare? Contrary to what I believed before this, PISCES does commit crimes and particularly, "Crimes of Violence". And, he commits them in more than minimal numbers.
At the end of 1995, there were 48,313 PISCES incarcerated for one of the six "Crimes of Violence" making him the seventh (#07) most incarcerated sign for these offenses. He is better than six of his fellows, but worse than five.

SUMMARY: So what have I learned about the Fish? I have examined a group of about 80,870 people with absolutely nothing in common except they were born under the sign of PISCES. They don't know each other. They aren't from the same geographical area. They aren't of the same gender, race, or age. As far as I know they have absolutely nothing in common except they all share this sign. Despite this and despite their many diversities, the individual members of this group seem to behave in a similar manner across the country.
They are America's 5th most incarcerated sign. They rank seventh (#07) in my six “CRIMES of Violence" section. And they are fifth (#05) in my top eight criminal categories ("Crimes of Violence" plus drugs and DUI). That's pretty consistent behavior. In addition, of the fourteen major crimes I have investigated, PISCES incarcerations are above average in five, two of which are "Crimes of Violence". There are other signs with worst performances, but from PISCES, I must admit I expected better.
As I have seen, from north to south and from east to west, it is commonplace to find PISCES on the criminal docket.
By now, I find it almost impossible to deny the influence of the stars on our conduct and behavior. I just cannot believe that it is normal for so many people (over 80,000 for PISCES) with nothing in common except their sign, could behave so much alike without the sign being the common influence.
Category after category, sign by sign, I have seen this happen. The behavior of those who share a sign seems to be consistent regardless of the individual crime we are considering. And they seem to commit the same crimes and in the same number across the nation.
Coincidence has become totally unacceptable as an explanation.
Astrological influence seems more on point.

I have now finished with the PISCES male and the "Crimes of Violence" which account for a good deal more than half of total incarcerations. As you have seen, he is an important part of the national crime problem.
Let me now move on to America's number one menace, the manufacture, sale, use, and distribution of illegal drugs, everyone's biggest problem.

DRUGS (#01): Certainly, drugs are not just an American problem, yet there are more drug abusers per capita in America than almost any other country in the world. In America, no sign, no sex, and no geographical area is free of the pervasive influence of illegal drugs.
So what shall I look at here? Well since it is everyone's number one crime, it is therefore also PISCES number one crime, so I can ignore that.
I will therefore limit myself to examining numbers. I will look particularly to see if the number of drug incarcerations for PISCES is in keeping with the number of drug incarcerations for other signs. I will look to see if a greater percentage of PISCES inmates are there for drug offenses than is the case for other signs, or other crimes. I will look to see whether indeed the Fish has a greater drug problem than others.
Approximately 214,100 inmates of America's prisons are imprisoned for drug abuse. It represents almost 22% of ALL incarcerations and is America's number one crime problem. (Adding drugs to the six "Crimes of Violence" accounts for more than 800,000 of the 980,000 inmates of America's prisons at the end of 1995.)
So, what about PISCES, how well or how poorly is PISCES doing with drugs? Well, let’s see. Of the PISCES inmates, about 17,494 out of 80,870 are there for drug related offenses. That means 21.6% of all PISCES felons are serving time for drug offenses. It is PISCES top criminal activity but we could say the same for every sign.
Looking at the PISCES contribution to the problem, I find that PISCES produces 17,494 drug offenders out of a total of 214,167 which represents 8.1% of the total. This earns for The Fish a national ranking of number seven (#07) among the signs of the Zodiac.
PISCES is America's seventh most incarcerated sign for drug offenses.
Now for a quick rundown on a few of our less common crimes.

MISCELLANEOUS: The remaining crimes in my top fourteen amount to about 12% of the total incarcerations and are classed under the general heading of "miscellaneous".
They include (1) arsons and bombings, (2) larceny, (3) forgery and counterfeiting, (4) escape or flight from custody, (5) general theft and (6) crimes against public policy that includes various miscellaneous criminal activities.
With all of these, PISCES performs at about the same level except that he ranks number four (#04) in arson/bombings and number five (#05) in general theft. He is above average in both these categories on the national scale. Looking at the overall PISCES picture, the Fish was rated as above average in five criminal categories (arson, robbery, sex crimes, theft and larceny including grand-auto) and below average in each of the remaining nine.
One final category that I will discuss is drunk driving. Before I begin, let me point out that the numbers here are small, and individual states report this offense differently, so the results are somewhat negated. Still, they all are subject to the same analysis so all things should be relative.

DRUNK DRIVING (#10) (DWI/DUI): Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol accounts for an estimated 1.88% of the total incarcerations in America today. That translates to about 18,400 inmates across the land and across the Zodiac.
Of this number, 1,347 were born to the sign of the Fish. Those 1,347 persons represent 7.3% of the nation's total and that ranks PISCES at number seven (#07) for total offenders

COMMENT: Twelve crimes account for an estimated 93.5% of all incarcerations in America. Of this number, eight have been covered and four are not statistically meaningful because their numbers are too small to be reliable. Of these twelve, the eight major crimes that I have discussed are responsible for over 800,000 inmates and that is well over 80% of the total incarcerations in America's federal and state prisons. Of these eight, PISCES is responsible for 67,154 inmates ranking him number five (#05) in America for total incarcerations for these crimes. Obviously, the Fish is one of our more incarcerated citizens.
Following is a list of my eight major crimes with the PISCES ranking for each. Number one indicates the highest incidence, number twelve the lowest.

Assault 10th
Burglary 05th
Drugs 07th
Kidnapping 10th
Murder 07th
Sexual Offenses 05th
Robbery 05th
Dui/Dwi 07th

PISCES is one of the three water Signs. Its companions are CANCER and SCORPIO.
A while back I examined the records of CANCER and was very surprised at the results. CANCER ranked number one across the country and across the Zodiac in criminal misconduct. Then I examined SCORPIO and surprisingly, SCORPIO was one of the least incarcerated members of our society ranked nationally at number ten (#10).
And now, I see the third member of this group, PISCES ranked early-middle-of-the-pack at number five (#05). So from this group we have a number one (#01), a number five (#05), and a number ten (#10). These three Signs have each demonstrated his own personality and problems. (This diversity of behavior is the same condition I have observed among each of the four “groups” of Signs that are Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Two may conduct themselves in a similar manner, but never all three.)
It is now to turn out attention to the women of PISCES. To see how their performance differs from that of the male, if it does. To make a determination whether the female is, indeed, the deadlier of the species. But first, a sample of the men of the amazing men of PISCES.


Nicholas Copernicus
George Washington
Edward Kennedy
Jackie Gleason
Johnnie Cash
Ralph Nader
Glenn Miller


Of the total prison population in this study, less than 6% are women. And PISCES women, like PISCES men, are below average in total participation. There are approximately 54,600 women in federal and state prisons making the average participation 4,553 or 8.3% per sign.
Of these 54,600 inmates, slightly over 4,257 are PISCES females. These 4,257 incarcerations mean that PISCES is ranked ninth (#09) in the Zodiac. She has fewer incarcerations than eight of her fellows but more than three. The three with fewer incarcerations are CAPRICORN, ARIES, and TAURUS. They bring up the rear. PISCES 7.8% participation is below my statistical average and therefore earns for her a rating of below average nationally.
We have fourteen crime categories under investigation and of those fourteen, the female Fish is rated below average in nine and above average in five. This is the same ratio that was found in the conduct of the PISCES male. One point of interest is the seeming difference in criminal preferences between the PISCES men and women. They seem to commit the same crimes (excepting sexual crimes) but not with the same priority. Here is a comparison of the top criminal activities for PISCES women compared to PISCES men.

Crime Women Men
Drugs #1 # 1
Murder #2 # 2
Theft #3 # 7
Robbery #4 # 3
Assault #5 # 6
Burglary #6 # 5
Sexual Crimes #11 # 4

As you can see, drug offenses and murder top the list of crimes committed by the women and also by the men. Following those two, the priorities seem to shift a bit,
Following the first two, money crimes follow in order for the female. Theft comes in at three (#03), robbery at four (#04), followed in order by assault at five (#05) and burglary at six (#06). Sex crimes are almost non-existent for the PISCES female coming in at number eleven (#11).
For the men, robbery is third (#3) followed in order by sex crimes at four (#04), burglary at five (#05), and assault at six (#06).
So from these numbers, you can see there is some difference between the male and female Fish. In particular, sex crimes are the fourth (#04) most common offense for the men but only the eleventh (#11) most common for the women.
Interestingly enough, when looking exclusively at the total of women incarcerated for sex crimes, the number of female sex offenders is above average in eight of the twelve Signs of the Zodiac. PISCES however, is not one of those eight.
In total, 59% of PISCES men are in jail for the six "Crimes of Violence" while 35% of the PISCES women are incarcerated for those same offenses.
Where PISCES men rank number seven (#07) in America for "Crimes of Violence", the women rank ninth (#09) in commission of these same crimes.
Also, PISCES women rank ninth (#09) in the commission of my top eight crimes. ("Crimes of Violence plus DUI and drugs.) Regardless, PISCES women are better behaved than PISCES men in the sum total of crimes. The men turned out to be the fifth most incarcerated of all the Signs while the PISCES women came in at number nine.

That is it for PISCES and for my study. Before I conclude, here are a few of the more successful women of this intriguing sign:


Gloria Vanderbilt
Patty Hearst
Dinah Shore
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
` Pat Nixon
Elizabeth Taylor
Joanne Woodward

The End


When I began this study, I didn’t know what to expect. And so, I expected nothing.
Like you, I had always heard characteristics, personality and behavioral traits ascribed to each of the twelve Signs. It never dawned on me that no one had ever done a study of the behavior of a large group of people of any one sign, in order to confirm or reject these hypotheses.
If you think of it, how could they? To study the personality and behavior of just one sign would require a 24/7 effort which would involve a large number of subjects being followed around all day long by a bunch of analysts with clip boards writing down everything they said and did. It would require a lot of people, a lot of time, and a whole lot of money. Indeed, it would entail a superhuman effort.
It was obviously never done. So, the characteristics and behavior traits assigned to the members of the various Signs have never been truly established. They have largely evolved through speculation and repetition over countless years.
Finding a large group of citizens whose behavior--albeit criminal behavior--was fully documented and available, was indeed fortuitous. There are few such groups in existence and without this particular one, this study would not have been possible. .
So what is my conclusion?
The questions I set out to answer were two-fold: (1) "Is there a behavioral consistency among members of astrological Signs" and (2) "If there is, could it be the result of the influence of stars and planets in place at the moment of their births?”
More succinctly put, does astrology influence human behavior?
From the evidence I have seen in this study, it is my conclusion that there does appear to be a consistency in the behavior of individuals who share an astrological sign. In this case, it is anti-social behavior but human behavior none the less.
Since we could detect no other common bond among these individuals excepting their sign, we conclude all behavior is affected by astrological influences.
There is an old saying: "birds of a feather, flock together".
I believe this to be true particularly if the birds share an astrological sign.
Final note: the signs that produced the MOST criminals are CANCER, LEO, and VIRGO. Those who produce the FEWEST criminals are ARIES, SCORPIO AND CAPRICORN. the middle ground is held by TAURUS, LIBRA, GEMINI, SAGITTARIUS, AQUARIUS and PISCES.

Excerpt from "SIgns Of The Crimes".

The Signs of the Zodiac are:

ARIES, The Ram
Mar 21st Apr 19th
TAURUS, The Bull
Apr 20th May 20th
GEMINI, The Twins
May 21st Jun 20th
CANCER, The Crab
Jun 21st Jul 22nd
LEO, The Lion
Jul 23rd Aug 22nd
VIRGO, The Virgin
Aug 23rd Sep 22nd
LIBRA, The Scales
Sep 23rd Oct 22nd
SCORPIO, The Scorpion
Oct 23rd Nov 21st
Nov 22nd Dec 21st
Dec 22nd Jan 19th
AQUARIUS, The Water-Bearer
Jan 20th Feb 18th
PISCES, The Fish
Feb 19th Mar 20th

The End

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